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"Oh my GOURD!" Take a learning adventure into the wonderful story, The Magic Gourd, and all there is to this intriguing fruit. Get hands on activities and games themed on gourds and that focus on core learning topics such as; syllables and idioms; measuring and capacity; estimation and money. Explore the many purposes and art surrounding gourds, along with their anatomy. Take a well deserved brain break by making a delicious kitchen creation. There's a ton of gourd learning in this lesson!


The Gourd Unit Highlights:

- Flexible 5 day lesson plan

- 2 Spelling activities 

- 2 Language activities

- 4 Math activities/games

- Paired game sheets

- 1 "What We Learned" Math review sheet

- 1 Social/Emotional development exercise

- 2 Art activities

- 1 "What's A Gourd" activity sheet

- 1 Kitchen Creation

- Bible Devotional sheets

- Daily Start activity sheets

- 1 Bible Verse Suggestion

- 1 Read aloud with Jess

- 1 Field trip suggestion


"The Magic Gourd"/Gourd Unit Lesson Plan

$9.99 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price


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