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Adventure into the history of the land between two rivers in this 5 day flexible lesson plan. Learn about the ancient culture and their contributions while staying engaged in learning games and activities themed after Mesopotamia. Focus on language skills such as prepositions and other parts of speech; math concepts such as elapsed time, rounding time, and quadrilaterals. Take on STEM challenges, art activities, and kitchen creations all included in the Mesopotamia lesson plan. 


Mesopotamia Unit Highlights:

- Flexible daily lesson plan

- 2 Spelling activities instructions

- 2 Language activities instructions

- 4 Math activities instructions

-  Writing sheets

-  1 Kitchen Creation

- 1 STEM activity

- 4 Arts and crafts activities

- 1 Geography activity instructions

- 1 Field Trip Suggestion

- 1 Bible Verse Suggestion


Ancient Mesopotamia Unit Lesson Plans

$9.99 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price


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